Our airborne SAR processing experts, Karlus Macedo and Gerard Masalias, attended the ESA “Bi- and Multistatic SAR Systems and Applications” workshop at TUDelft.
We presented the latest results of the airborne bistatic SAR campaign, ESA BelSAR, conducted with two independent airborne SAR flying on two separate aircrafts.
Each aircraft was carrying the MetaSAR-L configured in fully polarimetric mode and each aircraft was transmitting and receiving acquiring at the same time monostatic and bistatic interferometric data in polarimetric mode.
The polarimetric image in Figure 1 shows the response to different backscattering mechanisms from agricultural fields, urban and forested areas.

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Figure 2: a) coherence and b) interferogram acquired in bistatic formation with a 25-meter cross-track baseline. Despite having two independent receivers, the images show that coherent phase information is obtained from the bistatic formation and good coherence is obtained over non-forested areas.

Figure 3: Photo of the second aircraft from the master aircraft. It is clearly visible the cloud deck below the aircraft.

Figure 4: Karlus Macedo presenting the results of the bistatic SAR acquisitions.
We thank the organizing committee composed by ESA and TUDelft staff for the excellent, innovative and very interesting workshop.
Thank you to all the attendees for their scientific contributions and the valuable discussions.
See you to the next edition.
For more info contact us at info@metasensing.com